Should I wear the cilice?
I have no excuse, like HarleyQ and her schoolwork -- I have just been, well, I guess lazy is a good word to describe it. I just freeze up, feel boring, and thus suffer from a kind of paralytic state that prevents me from blogging properly. Blogoralysis, I believe it is called. Look it up, people! I was inspired, however, by a haiku left by Sir Chesfly du Canada on Lady HarleyQ's blog. A cresting seagull just careened by my window, and I responded thusly:
So beautiful in flight
Much less so when scavenging
For bones in the trash.
Now it is your turn, vast blogreading audience o' mine! Send in your best haikus in the comments, and I will post them all (all 3 of them, I'm guessing!) in a future entry.
Ah, as to Trader Joe's -- sadly, nothing there to report. I have not yet attempted another excursion there _ but you will be the first to know, my darlings!
So beautiful in flight
Much less so when scavenging
For bones in the trash.
Now it is your turn, vast blogreading audience o' mine! Send in your best haikus in the comments, and I will post them all (all 3 of them, I'm guessing!) in a future entry.
Ah, as to Trader Joe's -- sadly, nothing there to report. I have not yet attempted another excursion there _ but you will be the first to know, my darlings!
No guilt, please, my dear
What use the cilice without
nude Paul Bettany?
Boring is a blog
Focused on diapers and poo
Oh wait, that is mine...
You should be working
Yet the sun is shining warm
After so much rain
Sometimes it's better
To watch the bees on clover
Than hedge complex bets
Again the rain falls
Put all your longs and shorts in
Work hard when it clouds
Stop when the jasmine
Blossoms after the rainfall
And sleep in the grass
(wrote these when working)
Haiku when working
No wonder the Diva is
No longer employed
That's nice talk, harley
Kiss your mother with that mouth?
And are right...
Merely a joke, babe
Where do you think I am now?
Tempt me, internet...
Poor Dewey, her blog
Hijacked by haiku flame wars
Is this what she planned?
Yes, my HarleyQ,
This is exactly what I
Wanted from my blog.
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