Trader Envy

<==People checking out who are not me! Lucky Bastards.
I valiantly attempted to buy groceries (novel concept!) at Trader Joe's in Union Square last night...and it was like it just openened! The line was down the block at 7pm on a relatively balmy Monday night. Geez louise. I need an assistant to go food shopping for me!
I did, however, manage to make it to their wine store _ it's so wonderful! I bought an organic red for $5. $5?!?!? That's what ONE beer costs in most Manhattan bars. I had some last night, and I must say it's pretty tasty.
I also went by this awesome tea place called Tavalon (http:// -- everyone must go and check this out! It's teeny-tiny, but I had the best tea I think I've ever had there. It was a white tea (full of anti-oxidants!) blend that also had mint and "sweet Korean plums" in it. Seriously delicious. They have a DJ, people! At a tea place! All in all, not a bad way to spend my time NOT grocery shopping.